Orbit FC 

Lawrence County Youth Soccer 



Tots: Ages 2-4
Six week series of 30 minute practice sessions.  These sessions offered on Saturday as well as one week night.  Parents will receive a placement survey following registration conclusion to determine which day their child will participate. 

Youth Recreational ​

We offer Recreational Soccer for players in the following divisions: 

  • U6 
  • U8 
  • U10
  • U12/U13
  • U15 (Spring Only)
  • U19 (Spring Only)

Age for each division is based on the school year method.  Players age as of August 1st determines group placement for the entire season.  A season consists of two sessions: Fall/Spring.

Each season will consist of a minimum of 6 games plus a tournament.
All regular season games are played on Fridays and Saturdays.  Due to the growth of the club it may be necessary to expand regular season games to another weeknight as needed.